Your Health, Our Priority – Comprehensive Care at Main Street Medical Centre


Our staff and doctors participate in regular quality assurance (QA) activities and medical educational activities to meet vocational registration requirements.


We take great pride in our accreditation by the Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL), a testament to our unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of practice. 


Onsite Pathology for blood test is available. No appointment is required unless specified by your doctor

ACROD Parking

Air Conditioning / Heating

Free Car Parking

Bathroom, Baby Change Table

Pharmacies in Walking Distance

Policy Change

Announcement of changes to our billing policy

Main street Medical Centre is changing its billing policy. From 1st of August 2022, the practice will change to Mixed billing practice. We are no longer able to bulk bill all.

Why are we making these changes?

The Federal Government has been shrinking Medicare rebates till they now cover only half the cost of a GP consult. Please note that when you attend a doctor you agree for the Medicare rebate to be allocated to your GP which is $39.75 for a normal visit. From this rebate, they must pay room rent, nurse and admin wages, insurance, medical indemnity, power, water, superannuation, Tax, consumables and general overheads. Medicare rebate does not cover the actual costs of providing care, and with rising expenses , the difference is now too large for the GPs and practice to absorb. Our doctors are left with little choice than charging private fees. Without these, the practice is at risk of closing its doors entirely.

Do all patients pay private fee?

We continue to bulk bill

  • Children under 16 years of age
  • People who are 66 years or older
  • DVA gold card holders
  • Vaccinations – COVID, Influenza and kids’ vaccination
  • Patients with chronic diseases who are on a care plan for their disease management. This includes follow up appointments related to those management care plans
  • Appointments made to follow up results that do not include other or new issues
How can we increase Medicare rebates?

We appreciate that out–of-pocket expenses are not welcome news at this time. GPs are calling on the Government to reimburse patients a higher amount for GP services. If you would like to help us to campaign for a better funded system, share your views with our local Federal Member of Parliament. We look forward to continuing to provide you with the best healthcare and appreciate your continued support for our clinic

Why is my GP charging a fee?
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About Us

Main Street Medical Centre is a GP owned and managed family practice providing a diverse range of medical and allied health services to the community. We are a mixed billing clinic located in the heart of Osborne Park. Main Street Medical Centre is more than just a building, it is a way for our doctors to help and service the community with the utmost empathy and care.

Excellence in clinical care
Accreditation is a voluntary national programme that aims to provide a range of guarantees to patients by an independent audit of the practice environment. Main Street Medical centre is accredited by Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) . Our practice team constantly works to implement the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ Standards for General Practice. We continually review our practice systems and procedures – a process that can only be achieved through communication and cooperation of our doctors and staff.

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Our Team

Our commitment to excellence is underscored by the collaborative efforts of our doctors and staff, who work tirelessly to implement best practices and foster a culture of continuous improvement. At Main Street Medical Centre, you can trust that your health and well-being are our foremost priorities, and that every interaction with our team will be characterized by professionalism, empathy, and the highest standards of care.

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